Help trouble shooting a gamma type Stirling engine
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:38 pm
Hi all, I have made a gamma type Stirling engine that uses ross yoke mechanism. I have had difficulties getting it to run and was hoping to get some suggestions on how to solve this. Its specification is;
Power piston:
Stroke = 3.5 mm
Bore = 12.5 mm
Length = 17 mm
Material = Steel
Power cylinder
Material = Brass
Displacer piston:
Stroke = 3.5 mm
Bore = 15.5 mm
Length = 35 mm
Material = Steel
Displacer cylinder:
Internal length = 46.6 mm
Internal diameter = 15.3 mm
Material = Steel
Ross yoke:
Reference image ... -asset.png
d1 = 30 mm
d2 = 27 mm
z = 15 mm
XF = 30 mm
YF = 27 mm
Xpp = 15 mm
Xpd = 15 mm
A small methanol burner was used as heat source.
When testing spinning the flywheel the correct way had less resistance. (This did not feel like resistance due to friction)
No bearings were used in the ross yoke mechanism.
Rubbing surfaces were made smooth.
Joint board sealed with silicone sealant.
I have attached an image of the engine below.
Thank you for any suggestions.
Power piston:
Stroke = 3.5 mm
Bore = 12.5 mm
Length = 17 mm
Material = Steel
Power cylinder
Material = Brass
Displacer piston:
Stroke = 3.5 mm
Bore = 15.5 mm
Length = 35 mm
Material = Steel
Displacer cylinder:
Internal length = 46.6 mm
Internal diameter = 15.3 mm
Material = Steel
Ross yoke:
Reference image ... -asset.png
d1 = 30 mm
d2 = 27 mm
z = 15 mm
XF = 30 mm
YF = 27 mm
Xpp = 15 mm
Xpd = 15 mm
A small methanol burner was used as heat source.
When testing spinning the flywheel the correct way had less resistance. (This did not feel like resistance due to friction)
No bearings were used in the ross yoke mechanism.
Rubbing surfaces were made smooth.
Joint board sealed with silicone sealant.
I have attached an image of the engine below.
Thank you for any suggestions.