Looking for diagram of a simple and effective Stirling heatpump
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:20 pm
I want to create a new compact heat source for household heating by utilizing two technologies: Compost heat recovery (CHR) and Stirling engines as heatpump.
My project is halfway done and I've created a compact compost reactor which is capable of producing heat energy.
The compost heap inside can stay above 50 degrees Celsius for 14 days.
In the next step, I want to build up a small Stirling heatpump to tap heat from the reactor and store it in a water tank.
By doing so, I can validate how much energy I can harvest from this system and prove its effectiveness.
However, I'm not quite good in engineering and manufacturing a Stirling engine.
I don't have a CNC machine and know nothing about machining.
I'm also incapable of welding.
Luckily, I have a delta 3D printer and I can model some basic parts like crank shafts and gears.
A typical aerobic compost heap can only reach up to 70 degrees Celsius so I think my printed parts will be able to survive as long as they are not in the heated areas.
So, here is my question:
Is there any simple and effective Stirling heat pump design that I can build by myself?
I need detailed description like sizes and materials required.
(I've already made three attempts to build simple Stirling engines(not heat pumps) and failed in all cases.)
I've found this on YouTube
But I can't find a detailed diagram of it.
-------------Some details about this project-------------------
The world is in a severe energy/food crisis and I think an alternative energy/fertilizer source would reduce the damage.
I want to develop a system which can simultaneously produce heat and fertilizer.
It will be a very compact build which can be integrated into the heating system of a house.
2.How it works
2a.Aerobic compost reactor:
Aerobic composting can generate a great deal of heat without burning all carbon contents into CO2.
A Technology called Compost Heat Recovery(CHR) is to harvest such heat energy from the compost heap.
It has been practiced in many places by various methods.
Here's an example on YouTube: Warning up a hoophouse with a barrel of wood chip compost.
If the compost heap is contained in a well ventilated and heat-insulating reactor, the heat loss will be minimized.
A reactor can also significantly shrink the minimal size of a compost.
It usually takes at least one cubic meter of material to start a hot compost pile.
But my prototype reactor, which is only 0.24 cubic meter (1.2m * 0.4m * 0.5m) in volume, successfully reached 60 degrees Celsius and stayed above 50 degrees Celsius for 14 days.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1knFxcE ... E94io/view
Due to the heat-insulating effect of the Styrofoam made reactor, the reaction will not be stopped by cold weather.
This feature will allow the system to be deployed at cold areas where household heating are needed most.
2b.A hot water tank as buffer/ reservoir:
The heat output of a compost heap follows a rigid pattern:
mesophilic phase --- a short period when compost temperature climbs up
thermophilic phase --- the temperature enters a plateau stage, could last for several days
cooling phase --- the heap starts cooling down in this stage
Therefore, it is impossible to dramatically boost a compost heap's thermal output like a combustion engine.
However, the household heating demand could change at any moment.
In order to fix this problem, a heat reservoir must be included in this system.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iQY2Uv ... sp=sharing
The heat will be pumped from the reactor to the reservoir with a small Stirling heat pump.
And then the main heat pump of the house will tap thermal energy from the reservoir when heating is needed.
Notice that there are two reactors in this system, one is in thermophilic phase and another is in mesophilic or cooling phase.
This setting will guarantee constant thermal output from the compost when one of the reactors is harvested and restarted.
3.Comparison between fossil fuel and CHR heating:
Fossil fuel-based heating and fertilizer production:
a.fossil fuel controlled by governments/companies and usually requires long range transportation.
b.The process produce a great deal of pollution
c.Not sustainable
With CHR heating:
a.The raw material is abundant and readily available.(grass clipping, coffee grounds or other food waste)
Manure, which might cause environmental nuisance, is not necessary at all.
b.It will not suffer from any significant supply chain issues.(Where there's people, there will be organic waste)
c.It's actually reducing/processing organic waste and eventually it can reduce the diesel/gasoline consumption for garbage disposal.
d.Sustainable (Return nutrients back to the land instead of vaporizing them in waste incinerators)
My project is halfway done and I've created a compact compost reactor which is capable of producing heat energy.
The compost heap inside can stay above 50 degrees Celsius for 14 days.
In the next step, I want to build up a small Stirling heatpump to tap heat from the reactor and store it in a water tank.
By doing so, I can validate how much energy I can harvest from this system and prove its effectiveness.
However, I'm not quite good in engineering and manufacturing a Stirling engine.
I don't have a CNC machine and know nothing about machining.
I'm also incapable of welding.
Luckily, I have a delta 3D printer and I can model some basic parts like crank shafts and gears.
A typical aerobic compost heap can only reach up to 70 degrees Celsius so I think my printed parts will be able to survive as long as they are not in the heated areas.
So, here is my question:
Is there any simple and effective Stirling heat pump design that I can build by myself?
I need detailed description like sizes and materials required.
(I've already made three attempts to build simple Stirling engines(not heat pumps) and failed in all cases.)
I've found this on YouTube
But I can't find a detailed diagram of it.
-------------Some details about this project-------------------
The world is in a severe energy/food crisis and I think an alternative energy/fertilizer source would reduce the damage.
I want to develop a system which can simultaneously produce heat and fertilizer.
It will be a very compact build which can be integrated into the heating system of a house.
2.How it works
2a.Aerobic compost reactor:
Aerobic composting can generate a great deal of heat without burning all carbon contents into CO2.
A Technology called Compost Heat Recovery(CHR) is to harvest such heat energy from the compost heap.
It has been practiced in many places by various methods.
Here's an example on YouTube: Warning up a hoophouse with a barrel of wood chip compost.
If the compost heap is contained in a well ventilated and heat-insulating reactor, the heat loss will be minimized.
A reactor can also significantly shrink the minimal size of a compost.
It usually takes at least one cubic meter of material to start a hot compost pile.
But my prototype reactor, which is only 0.24 cubic meter (1.2m * 0.4m * 0.5m) in volume, successfully reached 60 degrees Celsius and stayed above 50 degrees Celsius for 14 days.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1knFxcE ... E94io/view
Due to the heat-insulating effect of the Styrofoam made reactor, the reaction will not be stopped by cold weather.
This feature will allow the system to be deployed at cold areas where household heating are needed most.
2b.A hot water tank as buffer/ reservoir:
The heat output of a compost heap follows a rigid pattern:
mesophilic phase --- a short period when compost temperature climbs up
thermophilic phase --- the temperature enters a plateau stage, could last for several days
cooling phase --- the heap starts cooling down in this stage
Therefore, it is impossible to dramatically boost a compost heap's thermal output like a combustion engine.
However, the household heating demand could change at any moment.
In order to fix this problem, a heat reservoir must be included in this system.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iQY2Uv ... sp=sharing
The heat will be pumped from the reactor to the reservoir with a small Stirling heat pump.
And then the main heat pump of the house will tap thermal energy from the reservoir when heating is needed.
Notice that there are two reactors in this system, one is in thermophilic phase and another is in mesophilic or cooling phase.
This setting will guarantee constant thermal output from the compost when one of the reactors is harvested and restarted.
3.Comparison between fossil fuel and CHR heating:
Fossil fuel-based heating and fertilizer production:
a.fossil fuel controlled by governments/companies and usually requires long range transportation.
b.The process produce a great deal of pollution
c.Not sustainable
With CHR heating:
a.The raw material is abundant and readily available.(grass clipping, coffee grounds or other food waste)
Manure, which might cause environmental nuisance, is not necessary at all.
b.It will not suffer from any significant supply chain issues.(Where there's people, there will be organic waste)
c.It's actually reducing/processing organic waste and eventually it can reduce the diesel/gasoline consumption for garbage disposal.
d.Sustainable (Return nutrients back to the land instead of vaporizing them in waste incinerators)