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Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 2:30 pm
by amharp
I'm fairly new to sterling engines and am currently working on a University research project in which we would like to purchase a sterling enginer for our prototype. Our current specifications require a 1.5kW to 7kW output power due to sizing. We would also like if the output of the Stilir can be coupled shaft-to-shaft directly to a pump (i.e. the engine runs the pump) but is not vital to the prototype.

I have scoured web and have found a few solutions which would work with some modifications. I would like to get this forum members' insight on available technologies that come to mind which fit this criteria.

Thanks! :)
Aaron Harp

Re: Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Sun May 29, 2022 4:35 pm
by Tom Booth
I don't know of much of anything in that power range, and I've been looking for years. "Startups" seem to pop up from time to time but don't seem to ever market a product.

If you have found anything available for purchase, I'd be interested to know about it myself.

Re: Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 11:17 am
by staska
Hi. Where are you based ?

Re: Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:49 pm
by amharp
staska wrote: Mon May 30, 2022 11:17 am Hi. Where are you based ?
Hi! I'm based out the Midwest USA

Re: Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:03 pm
by yellow88fiero
I found one on craigslist from a guy who use to work at a local university a few years back and purchased it.

I had lots of plans, but ultimately haven't done anything with it. I will see if I can get recent pictures of it and post them here and see if anyone is interested in it.

I do know it is a 3KW, that looks like it was made for Solar concentration to run it. It has a ton of temperature sensors as I believe this was one being used for testing. It is probably about 250lbs, it is mounted on a steel frame which lifts it up off the ground about 2-3 feet high. I just know it keeps getting in the way in my shop and everytime I need to move it I wonder why I still have it.

Maybe a good university project would do it well. If nothing else, maybe someone on here can let me know what I have. I'll post pictures later this week when I am back in my shop.

I am in the Colorado area.

Re: Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:42 pm
by yellow88fiero
Here are a couple bad pictures of it that I had with other items in my garage. I'll get clear pictures later this week.
Capture4-3kw.JPG (41.73 KiB) Viewed 21613 times
Capture3-3kw.JPG (36.79 KiB) Viewed 21613 times
Capture2-3kw.JPG (32.79 KiB) Viewed 21613 times
Capture1-3kw.JPG (33.65 KiB) Viewed 21613 times

Re: Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:00 am
by Tom Booth
It looks similar to, but a little different from, one I saw for sale on Ebay back in January
infiniastieling.jpg (19.92 KiB) Viewed 21599 times

That one I believe was an Infinia model.

Tragically, IMO, most of these engines ended up being sold to China as scrap.

The ones pictured here were 3kw each

The company(ies)? went bankrupt, the units sold off, but curiously, without the "intellectual property" instruction manuals etc. needed to operate them. ... oned/17657

Re: Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:34 am
by yellow88fiero
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the information. I did see that engine you referenced in another post and thought it did look similar to the one I have, just since mine is 3KW thought they may have done a smaller version. Glad to see the Infinia video you posted and clearly stated the 3KW model. I actually have some parts of the plastic housing surrounding the engine and the metal to connect it to a solar dish array as well. I never went very far in figuring out how it would connect, but will take pictures of all of it and post it in a few days.

I would imagine reading the article below that some Universities probably wound up with a few of these and I wound up being a lucky recipient of one.


Re: Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 1:24 pm
by Tom Booth
Yes, they seem to be an extreme rarity. Millions of dollars of government and investors R&D to produce. The technology demonstrated and proven over and over. NASA has a few test models they've been operating continuously for over 10 years without maintenance and "no signs of degradation" ... -milestone

About to supplant Fossil fuels, ready for deployment around the world.

Suddenly it doesn't work any more and it's all sold off as scrap because, some train conductor passing through the desert might get a glint if sun reflected in his eyes or some BS.

Re: Purchasing a Sterling Engine

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2022 2:13 pm
by yellow88fiero
I am posting another thread with all the pictures. If anyone has questions please follow up there.