I wanted to ask for some advice on a design for a Car. What I am trying to do is generate some extra electricity for generating hydrogen through electrolysis. The ultimate goal is to run 100% Hydrogen 0% petroleum as fuel however this is almost impossible because hydrogen generation is slow and does not produce more energy than it takes to make the hydrogen in the first place. Or if it does you would have a massive engine that only produced the HP of a small engine.
So anyway my hope is to generate some 'free' energy off the exaust. I figure the exaust has both kinetic energy which would be harnessed by a turbo fan normaly and heat energy which would be harnessed by a stirling/steam engine. Running on a high percentage of hydrogen there will be alot of steam in the exaust. Hydrogen burns at 55000 degrees C (i think i heard) but normal exaust teperatures are somthing like 1000-2000 degrees.
I have done a drawing of a design that would combine the kinetic harnessing of the turbo and the heat harnessing of the stirling.
The exaust of the engine is directed into the piston of the hot side of the stirling which will 'help' it. I don't want to push it the whole way i just want to 'help' it. Then that piston will exaust to a coil sournding the Hot side of the stirling. The cold side will either actualy extrude from the bonnet of the car or will have a radiator. The cold side will have piston power but it wont be directly connected so the heat isn't trasfered to it.
So realy I just wanted to have some advice from someone who has actualy built a stirling, is this going to work well or not?
I have an even simpler design where I would have 2 Stirlings and simply inject the car exaust directly into the hot side. Then on the cold phase it would inject into the hot side of the other stirling alternatley.
Probably the easiest thing would just be to have a normal turbo fan. I could actualy make a jet engine out of it. I could use the car exaust instead of the fuel, it wouldnt be harly as powerful but still any benefit is good. This would be cheap, lightweight and compact but probably not very efficent.
Anyway let me know what you think
Cheers Adam