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Sizing my first stirling engine

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:56 pm
by DPM
Hello, I am new here. I have to make a project of a Stirling engine for my BSc thesis. However i have never studied that kind of motor and my professor did give as any information on that topic (I am not mechanical engineer, I study energetics). So i read a lot of information on the internet but it seems that i have no starting point. So far i have this algorithm:

1) Define the output power (let's say 100W)
2) Define the heater temperature (let's say 800K)
3) Chose a Beale number (~0.0016)
4) Chose a frequency of 50Hz ( 50 because I need it for electrical energy supply)
5) Define the pressure
6) Vine the swept volume (V=P/(p*Be*f); where V=volume, P=power,p=pressure,Be=Beale number and f=frequency)
7) Calculate the diameter of the cylinder

My first problem is that I'm not sure what pressure i should use, is it the mean pressure of the ideal cycle and if so, how do i calculate it. It is a function of the swept volume (which i want to calculate through the pressure)?If not, what do I do?

Note that I am not even sure in the steps. I mean, that my first ever and i don't have any knowledge on the subject but we have to design an engine for 2 moths.

Any help will be appreciated!

Thank you

Re: Sizing my first stirling engine

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:00 am
by Ian S C
DPM, do you have to design, and build the engine in 2 months? Have you got a well equipped machine shop, and a reasonable large budget? There are about as many ways of building a Stirling Engine as there are Stirling Engines. I build my atmospheric motors from scrap with a limited amount of bought in material, 5W at the generator is the most I have obtained, near enough to 10W at the crankshaft, That motor is in my gallery, the large vertical one with 4 legs, it has a bore of 2 1/4" and a stroke of 1 1/4" and is a BETA type motor. Ian S C

Re: Sizing my first stirling engine

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:49 am
by DPM
I don't have to biuld the fisical model, just have to bring the the paper work and the CAD model. But i'm still in crysis.

Re: Sizing my first stirling engine

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 2:32 am
by Ian S C
Sorry can't help much, my design work is done in my head, and on scraps of paper. Best wishes with your project, it sounds quite ambitious, the main thing I see is taking the appropriate proportions, and combine them in a practical mechanical design. Most of the work I would see as researching other designs of machines, and choosing the best of maybe a number of them.