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Building a small sterling engine

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:46 am
by Omar
Hello everyone, so i'm really new to sterling engines so bear with me please if i sound stupid at some parts :p
so i'm constructing a small sterling engine for a competition, and i did some calculations, and i needed it to produce around 12 volts, and the i need it to produce about 3 watts, so what dimensions should i make the parts out to be ?
if anyone had some experience with building one similar maybe i can look at their plans, or if they can help that would be very very very much appreciated, thank you :)

Re: Building a small sterling engine

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:16 am
by Ian S C
Omar, Do you have a lathe? What sort of workshop do you have, the power out put you are looking for is quite do-able, you'll have to either design and build,or find a generator/alternator. Motors out of old printers, VHS recorders, and anywhere else you can find a suitable little motor to be driven as a generator.
It would be worth looking a James G. Rizzo's book "The Stirling Engine Manual" vol 1, a number of the engines in that book and in vol 2 would give you enough power. It's best you stick to an already designed and built motor rather than design your own, at least to start with. My second motor is in my gallery, it is based on Dyna from Mr Rizzo's book.
It would be handy to have a TIG welder to weld a thin end on the hot cap, and the hot end of the displacer.
What sort of fuel will you use?
Ian S C