Stirling engine with led and start stop button
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:06 pm
This stirling engine charges a supercapacitor with a small dc motor.
A blokking diode prevents the capacitor from discharging once the flame died.
Even after a few days i can start the stirling using the switch.
To prevent the capacitor from overcharging during operation i added a powerled parallel connected to the capacitor.
The led starts producing light at around 2.5Volt and draws more current once the votlage rises.The light comming from the led seems even brighter
as the flame from the candle.
To stop the engine i simply short out the dc motor.
Im verry happy this finaly works.
You can see it running here ... HESUVHz__0
A blokking diode prevents the capacitor from discharging once the flame died.
Even after a few days i can start the stirling using the switch.
To prevent the capacitor from overcharging during operation i added a powerled parallel connected to the capacitor.
The led starts producing light at around 2.5Volt and draws more current once the votlage rises.The light comming from the led seems even brighter
as the flame from the candle.
To stop the engine i simply short out the dc motor.
Im verry happy this finaly works.
You can see it running here ... HESUVHz__0