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Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:05 am
by Ian S C
Welcome Vamoose, hope we can help you, without confusing you (and others)too much, we are like any forum, ask a question, and get a number of answers, all a bit different for you to sort out, but you are used to thinking out side the square by the sound of it,so you'll be OK. Best wishes . Ian S C
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:20 pm
by khan_ta
i'm a solar cook, looking for other uses for my parabolic reflectors; and other alternatives for PV-panels. I'm here; at least, to express my appreciation for the initiative to this forum!
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:00 pm
by Beauregard
Hello, my pseudonym is Beauregard, and I am in high school. I do not have any industry experience, or any machining experience (again- in high school), but I do understand the basics of machines (I have worked on fixing tractors and harvesters on my grandfather's farm). I am working on a Stirling Engine with only one or two parts that need to be machined (a piston and a crankshaft). My family inherited a machining lathe from my other grandfather which I have used extensively-for wood (goblets, lamps, pens, bowl, etc.), but I don't know how to use it for metal (I want to learn though). I am making a Gama type engine, similar to the old "Soda Can Stirling Engine" using metal pipes. My plan is to try to make a design that could be easily replicated in 3rd world countries without the need for imported parts.
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:51 pm
by Administrator
Welcome to the forums!
Machining skills come with practice. You have an interesting project planed!
Welcome aboard!
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:18 am
by graeme p
Have just joined this forum. I am a fitter machinest by trade and have just built one of Jan Ridders LTD .
And I have just about finished a LTD ringbom engine. Not sure if it we run because I am trying to make it
from a youtube video .Would love to have a bit more information on ringbom engines.
Graeme p.
P.S Can anybody help in a copy of Rudy Memin books on stirling engines.
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:26 am
by Ian S C
I went to google and put in stirling engine book by Rudy Memin, and got quite a lot. His book is in French, so not a lot of use to me, although I can read French pictures. Ian S C
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:10 am
by Mick
hi, I,m mick from Sydney . I,m interested stirling engines and in paricular solar power producing stirlings. I stumbled on to the stirling technolgy a few years ago as i was looking for model stuart staem engines on youtube and then followed the stirling links to finally come to a stirling energy systems (SES) vidoe, which got my interest. So i think there really is merit in the technolgy.
i wish to build an alpha stirlng. I purchased the book how i built a 5hp stirling engine , maybe this will be a base line for a start. I am a boilermaker and welder . I have years of experience with carbon steel, stainless steel fabrication. and perssure pipework. I have a small hurcus metal lathe and hope to use it on this project. Hopefully i can learn and share information on this very intersting site.
regards Mick
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:47 am
by theropod2
Hey Mick,
I'd say you have all the skills and tools you need. I'd set about targeting a .5 HP engine. If you can get that on a long term running basis, maybe powered by the sun, you'd really have something. I'd look at the RIder-Erickson pumper engines from long ago, and the large LTD Stirlings we've posted about here. Big and slow with a lot of torque would be cool to me.
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:03 pm
by Mick
thanks theropod2 , yeah a scaled down version will do me and i,ll see how i go from there.
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:02 am
by vamoose
Hey Mick,
Nice to see a fellow Aussie joining. Have recently joined myself and am about to start making an Alpha engine also. I've had some helpfull feedback from other members that might be worth a read. Also take some time to look through the forum, there's good stuff scattered throughout, or start your own topic. Goodluck..
(oh, and possibly save your posts in a document or something just in case. I lost my initial posts when there was a system problem and they couldn't be retrieved, its happened to others too)..
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:20 am
by Mick
thanks Vamoose, yeah it looks like a good site, but i think is the only active stirling forum, the Stirling Society I think has a forum but is not active.
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:43 am
by nwolf2000
hi,I am an mechanical engineer from China,I have spend most of my time on stirling engine design.
Thanks for letting me join,good luck.
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:58 am
by dtrombley
Hello and greetings.
Just a curious amateur (at many things). Assembled a few pop-can engines and played with LTDs.
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:28 am
Well I've heard of these stirling engines for a couple of years, but very busy life don't allow me much free time to start playing with them.
I hope in the next 5 years to succeed in building one out of a soda can.....
Re: "Hi" We are new here!
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:35 pm
by stonefly71
Hi all I'm new here.I live in Ohio with my 2 kids. I'm disabled and looking for new things to get into and have been wanting to build a Stirling for a few years now. I've watched a ton of videos on YouTube.and cant wait to get building.