OK, much better.
So far then, with that little glitch ironed out we have the typical heat/work diagram.
- heat-work-100.jpg (147.51 KiB) Viewed 4194 times
What we know is (using the diagram's variables)
Th = 400°K
Tc = 300°K
Qh = 100 joules
We don't yet know the work output therefore
We don't know Qc
Though I'm pretty sure this is not exactly accurate, for the sake of simplicity and ease of calculations we are going to say that for each degree of temperature up or down one joule is added or removed.
The engines working fluid volume?
Per mole? Cubic centimeter?
I'm having some issues/difficulty with what represents what quantities of what in your analysis at times.
Qhz for example
DQh ?
These are aspects of what volume(?) of what(?)
The entire volume of working fluid, each mole, each cubic centimeter ?
Qcz in particularly, seems like a bit of a wildcard.
Qc is heat "rejected" into(?) Qcz which is ?
Ummm .. All the heat between 0°K and Tc (?) I think ?
If the heat Qc (or your DQc ?) leaves (is "rejected" from) the engine, goes out of the working fluid into the environment...
Let's just say for example the engine is 50% efficient. 100 joules are added, 50 are converted to work output so 50 joules are "rejected".
Those 50 joules dissipate into the surroundings and are no longer attached to or associated with any volume of working fluid
So Qcz it would appear, must represent the "cold reservoir" and/or ambient environment at a temperature of 300°K
This is problematic in my mind because I think we are trying to maintain some 1 to 1 correspondence between degrees of temperature and joules (per some specific volume of gas/substance)
We now have 50 joules "rejected" from the working fluid into the surrounding, virtually "infinite" ambient surroundings.
So when you say:
The heat rejected from zero K all the way to Tc will be Qcz
Then proceed to include Qcz in various calculations;
Such as: Qcz = M•Cv•Tc .... etc. etc.
What mass is represented here?
The "heat" has left the working fluid and dispersed into the vast unknown or 300°K "cold reservoir" or the ambient environment "outside" of the "system" boundary.
Basically the nice neat 1 to 1 correspondence between joules an degrees C or K per quantity of "working fluid" has evaporated once the heat leaves the "system".
So in what way it can be stated that: Qcz = M•Cv•Tc or "The heat rejected from zero K all the way to Tc will be Qcz".
Qcz is a mist in the wind. A wisp of 50 joules of heat forever lost to the environment, commingled with the vast, "infinite" cold "reservoir".
Again, in the case of a turbine or steam engine where the "working fluid" is represented by an actual mass of fluid that passes into, through and out of the engine, we could follow each "charge" of intake and exhaust. Maybe even collect the exhaust gases but Qc has no mass.
You appear to be assigning some mass to your Qcz with Qcz = M•Cv•Tc but it is unclear to me where this is coming from or what mass is being represented by M
Since Qc is no longer associated with the engines working fluid but was "rejected" to the outside environment, it would seem to be M in association with Qcz in the above equation can not represent any volume of working fluid, per cubic centimeter or otherwise, so, what then?
Qcz seems like it has become some kind of orphaned mathematical abstraction not associated with any concrete physical reality and I'm having a hard time bringing it down to earth trying to figure out what it might represent in some real world scenario involving a Stirling engine, as in our example, with an input of 100 joules of heat.
We have 100 joules going in
50 say, converted to work
50 "rejected". A finite quantity of energy
Then I'm confronted with Qcz
The heat rejected from zero K all the way to Tc ...
Logically as here expressed Qcz would be 0°K to 300°K and with 1°K = 1 Joule
Qcz = 300 joules of "heat rejected".
Do you see my dilemma?
Qh, the heat supplied was 100 joules
We now, with Qcz, apparently, have 300 joules being rejected
100 joules - 50 joules = 300 joules
Quite the magic trick.