This video is interesting to me for a number of reasons.
I've spent some time swapping out metal plates for acrylic and have to agree that although there is a vast difference in heat conductivity between aluminum vs. plastic, as far as the cold sink side is concerned anyway, it seems to make no difference in the engine's ability to operate, but I've assigned different reasons.
I tested the infrared transmittance of the acrylic on my engines, which are not Kontax, so the acrylic may not be the same, I don't know, but they seemed to be entirely non-infrated transmitting, at least to the specific wavelength used by my infrared thermometer gun.
Researching the subject further it seems Acrylic is able to transmit infrared in certain bands but not others. Acrylic becomes entirely opaque to infrared if thicker than about 1/5 of an inch or so. The acrylic on my LTD engines are thinner than that.
There is "the greenhouse effect" in that acrylic transmits the visible light spectrum from sunshine which then, hitting the displacer, "bounces off" or is re- emitted as infrared which is not transmitted as well, or not at all, and so builds up inside, or so I thought.
"Bottlenecks" are mentioned several times in the video, but aren't always clearly identified or explained, I don't think.
There is some room for additional experimenting.
Perhaps the acrylic top could be coated with aluminum, like one of those "space blankets" to fully block BOTH the conductive heat AND any potential infrared radiation out of the engine, though I've already tried acrylic and insulation. Maybe just glue some aluminum foil onto the acrylic? Inside or outside? Maybe both?
Perhaps the ever resourceful heat went through the acrylic by infrared then switched to being conducted through the insulation. Not impossible I guess, but the heat has to actually be there.
My attempts at taking temperature readings of the sink plate so far seem to indicate that the heat is not always getting there. Neither the acrylic nor the insulation covering showing any elevation in temperature, to either touch or infrared thermometer.
The one important factor not taken into account in the Kontax video is the conversion of heat into work.
Heat goes in, by whatever means, but does not need to be provided with a path out because the heat energy that goes in is converted to mechanical motion.
My experiments even seem to indicate that, for whatever reason, the engine even runs better with the path out, (apparently) blocked.
So, ...
I have gotten together a bunch of stuff from the hardware and grocery stores, Perlite, faux super insulating "Starlite" ingredients (extra fine flour, powdered sugar, baking powder & soda, corn starch) wood for making pyrolyzed charcoal, refractory cement...
I even sent away for some sheets of Aerogel.
Hopefully I'll find some time to do some additional experiments with all this stuff soon. As well as put together some model engines based on new (or rather old forgotten) designs, like with the P 19 type linkage with "dwell" and so forth and so on.
My long range goal with all this is to work out an answer to all the questions in my mind regarding how Stirling engines actually operate, using off the shelf and modified cheap, small model engines, that don't cost much to fool around with, then hopefully apply that to some scaled up, power producing engine(s)
Personally I think heat engines are still a long way from reaching their full potential.
Though I never set out to challenge or disprove generally accepted ideas about how Stirling engines operate, a roadblock to even researching the question has arisen in the shape of Sadi Carnot wielding the sword of the second law ready to foil my efforts to construct a more efficient heat engine at every turn
Personally, I think that the so called "Carnot limitation" is not only wrong as a general philosophy ( The philosophy of: "It is IMPOSSIBLE!!!"), but somewhere along the line it has been misinterpreted so as to make things seem even MORE impossible than they actually are.
If, as I suspect, Stirling engines are actually Self cooling internally, then the temperature of the cold "sink" is certainly a kind of limit, in an UNINSULATED engine.
The simple act of putting an insulating disk of aluminized styrofoam over the cold sink of a toy Stirling engine, has been sufficient reason to get me banned along with any discussion of the subject from several science and physics forums.
How odd.
I thought that aluminized styrofoam alone should have been enough to block both convection as well as radiation heat loss, creating a real bottleneck that would slow the engine down.
Instead of slowing, it ran faster and for a record amount of time, compared with previous runs using the same engine without insulation.
I don't really care about proving or disproving Carnot efficiency or the Second Law, or ruffling any feathers so much as just finding out how these engines really work and what might allow them to work better.