Hi!!! I'm not speak english very well, because i'm italian...sorry for syntax errors and incorrect words
I'm building a two cylinder coke can stirling engine, and I would like to install to it a forced air cooling system porsche style, whit a cd-fan.
It is possible and will work efficently and good?
I am unable to post them. I will explain in a simple manner: I build a duct that leads the air, produced by the fan at the side of the engine driven by a pulley, around the cylinders cooling them.
There is one good way to find out , try it out .Not too much invested so far. Both engines are running I assume? How are they tied together? Are they beta or gamma engines?
If you can find your way to my gallery, you'll see my 2.5 cc motor, at one timeI hasd a centrifugal fan, not sure if it came from a small heater, or a hair dryer, it was about 4" diameter X 2" wide. I took the water tank off the motor, made a cardboard casing around the fan, with a cardboard ductto direct the air over the cold end of the motor, it certainly made the motor faster, but I could not find how much more power, because I could not get at the end of the crankshaft. Normally the little motor drives a little generator, enough to make a 3V radio work. Ian S C