BTW, links to the two alternative forums I set up if you are interested.
Whenever "fool" gets annoyed he starts drowning this place with spam posts so it's virtually unusable at this point.
I can open additional forum categories or topic areas for either of those forums on request.
The first one "builders" is on my server so may eventually see the same fate as this place if I were to disappear.
The second is a free hosted Proboards forum so is theoretically more autonomous, able to carry on without any "owner" or payment other than the advertising by the Proboards service itself.
I may set up a "MyPhp" forum as well sometime just to see how that platform operates whenever I find the time.
Don't let my efforts stop anyone else from setting up other additional forum. I'm just doing so because so far nobody else has, (as far as I know) and eventually, if nothing else, I will need a forum to link my Stirling Engine YouTube videos to.
I still have some hope someone will appear and clean up the mess here but as yet the chances of that happening seem pretty unlikely the longer things continue this way.
Personally I don't believe that the reams of spam flooding this place at times is just a coincidence.