Air Lift Turbine Generator

Discussion on Stirling or "hot air" engines (all types)
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Tom Booth
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Tom Booth »

Fool wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 11:26 pm .

How could anyone tell. They would be hidden.

Read the report ass hole.

They let them tear the machines down. Open all the electrical boxes. Etc. very thorough.

Taking it outside was to rule out some kind of magnetic wireless energy transfer. Highly improbable. No known such thing that could work at such power levels but they were just being thorough.
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Tom Booth »

These people, as far as I can see are 100% transparent, letting investigators do whatever they want, tear things open, lift them off the floor, infrared, amp meters, whatever. They could have taken the thing down the road.

The only fraud appears to be the fraudulent account of there being a cable through the support arm. Completely baseless nonsense. The kind of made up hallucinations "fool" would come up with.

But of course, they (that other report) ruled out everything else so it must have been the non-existent cable through the non-existent hole in the concrete wall. Fool, (and ass holes just like him) just can't accept science, unless it's from 1820, so he has to fabricate "evidence" of a "scam".
Tom Booth
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Tom Booth »

Here is a thermal image of the compressor from the above Stanford University report:

compressor-heat.jpg (110.64 KiB) Viewed 2554 times

My first thought was, look at all that heat/energy going to waste!

I'm wondering if this is a three stage compressor for high pressure or just a high volume compressor.

Anyway, either way it's throwing a lot of heat, as compressors generally do.

The report identified another source of "extra" power I had not thought of

The flotation canisters are not just open on the bottom like a half shell, but enclosed with relatively small holes.

So, as the air rises and expands the water in the canister is forced downward in jets through those holes, theoretically helping to propel the canister upward through the water like a rocket.

Well, a very slow moving rocket, but, all put together, perhaps 20 canisters with 10 or so holes each would be 200 water jets helping push the canisters upward, in addition to the natural buoyancy.

I still think the heat from the compressor could be put to better use.

Water cooling the compressor with the tank water would make compression easier, and also cause the air in the canisters to expand faster, eject water from the "jets" more forcefully.

This is better than just bubbling the air up under some half shell type buoyancy units. The expanding air is doing more work which is put to better use creating jets of water to help propel the thing around.

So each canister is actually an ambient heat powered water rocket of sorts

Of course, for that to work, the injected air needs to be colder than ambient. So, good idea to let the heat dissipate from the compressor. That makes the expanding gas colder, giving the "rockets" more power.

Still, heating the water with the compressor heat would add even more power I think, and take the load off the compressor.
Tom Booth
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Tom Booth »

From the description:

Paradox of generator ROSCH and its principle of operation

Pneumohydraulic generator ROSH has become an important event in the alternative energy sector in 2015.

At the end of April 2016 representatives of the company "EnergoAerokompleks" from Rostov-on-Don inspected the generator in the town of Troisdorf near Cologne

"This thing is clearly working!" - they told me.

They met with the director ROSH and now conducted negotiations on cooperation.
I have yet to see a credible debunking of this system/technology.

Many, who have examined it, though perplexed and not understanding how it could work, after a thorough investigation are convinced that it does.

Apparently ROSH does not build these things but rather sells licenses to build them.

I thought it seemed there were a lot of different companies involved in offering these things, but I didn't realize they were building their own.
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Fool »

Tommy wrote:Read the report ass hole.

You will need to be more specific. What report? Someone lying about alleged teardowns by alleged experts? In a mythical world of sunlight and unicorns. Did they show the teardown? Are you referring to YouTube comments, or real scientific papers from well educated scientists trained in discovering deception? Come on now, be honest.

I'm still waiting for one that I can teardown. I'll even return it after reassembling it, if it's not obviously a scam.

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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Fool »


Every once in a while, someone verbally says something so stupid that I'm fully convinced that they are too ignorant and arrogant to listen to common logic and understand the concept. At that point I stop talking. The following is such an absolute demonstration of incomprehension that, in person, I would get up and walk away from said individual. It is their problem, no hope of them ever listening, let alone any hope of understanding. I just wish them well and far away from me. ( One example is the person that said to me, How do you use less hand soap!). I write here to clarify the point for people other than that individual, only because this is a public forum, and not his. It's the following:
Tom Booth wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 4:07 pm
Fool wrote: Mon Nov 25, 2024 2:11 pm .
Tommy wrote:zero credible concrete evidence other than your usual "it's impossible" Cannot Limit opinions.

Thanks for verifying that. Yes, Carnot violation is sufficient. No need to expose the exact scam after that.
Ignoring the REALITY of a working proof of concept prototype based only on a 200 year old THEORY that was itself based on the obsolete Caloric theory is not science, scientific or even sensible. It's biased and prejudiced "pseudoscience".

Characteristics of a pseudoscience

1) No empirical support.

Carnot Efficiency Limit - no empirical support whatsoever in 200 years.

2) Is hostile to challenges.

Real science welcomes attempts to disprove its theories.

Advocates of the Carnot limit are consistently hostile towards anyone daring to question this "LAW"

3) Pseudoscience is rigid, dogmatic and unchanging. Real science tends to advance and develop with new findings.

The Carnot Limit nonsense has remained an unverified dogmatic assertion since it's inception.never has it been modified or updated so as to incorporate or adjust to new discoveries or findings.

4) Pseudoscience is unfalsifiable.

The Carnot cycle engine cannot exist in reality. It cannot be built, so can never be tested. The claim to being the most efficient engine possible is therefore unfalsifiable. Likewise the "Carnot Limit" which applies to this non-existent fantasy engine

The Carnot fallacy ticks every box. ... ce-2795470
First, here is a better, more detailed link to the modern term "pseudoscience". ... ience.html

From that website, one will notice that the term doesn't apply to science, or and scientific process. It applies to things that are not science. It has become an oxymoron. Checking the etymology, the first use was calling alchemy pseudoscience, to separate it from the real science of chemistry. Pseudo means fake, and science means knowledge. So the term describes something as fake knowledge. My point is that it is not knowledge if it is fake/wrong. It quite literally does an injustice to knowledge. Something is either, knowledge/truth, or it is lies. This then redefines pseudoscience as lies. Information is science, or it is lies. Borrowing from the medical terms, it is either medicine or quackery. Blowing smoke up ones arse is quackery. Descriptions are either science or quackery. There is no such thing as pseudoscience, it is quackery.

Tom erroneously compares Carnot, a science, to quackery. Tom has used quackery on a well established and supported scientific point. He has done it poorly. In other words, the Carnot Theorem, also called a Limit, doesn't 'tick' any of his four points, nor any of the eleven points.

He has also misled, used quackery, to the three different concepts of the Carnot, limit/theorem, cycle, and engine. They are three different things. He erroneously treats them as if they are the same. He will deny that he's done this. But, any one, or all three could be correct without effecting the others. And they are, all three, correct if used correctly. Using them incorrectly is quackery.

Looking at his specific points:

"1) No empirical support."

First the Theorem is a pure mathematical construct and is proven logically. This is the same principal as the equation for a parabola. No one has built a perfect parabola, even so the equation is not wrong. Empirically a good parabola is good a better parabola is even closer. Empirically real engines are good, but below Carnot. Better engines are closer, but still below the limit.

His first point is quackery. A proper indicator diagram, or work out measurement, is always needed to check Carnot. Or both.

"2) Is hostile to challenges."

Equations, and theorems are not able to be hostile. They are just equations. Any hostility from a scientist towards scammers using quackery, will be mostly from the hostility of the scammers. Scientists, rightfully, have short fuses towards the quackery of scammers. They are very understanding of people trying to educate themselves out of their own ignorance by self choice. Arrogance of scammers is hostility.

"3) Pseudoscience is rigid, dogmatic and unchanging. Real science tends to advance and develop with new findings. "

Although science, or more accurately scientists, are rigid towards the onslaught of quackery, valid scientific data presented properly is slowly accepted. The beauty of science is that quackery can be seen a mile away, and science can be used to protect a person from quackery, without needing to show exactly where the errors by the quacks are. It is called a scientific shortcut. It does slow the progression of real science down to allow proper testing.

The science of Carnot, and other equations, has been challenged for over 100 years. The beauty of science is that it sets up valid ways to challenge it. The way to challenge Carnot is to measure work out and heat in, or an indicator diagram. There are other ways, but the other ways need one of those two, or both and more, for verification. Got it? In other words, quackery challenges nothing except the minds of ignorant people. Science can either challenge or support science/knowledge.

"4) Pseudoscience is unfalsifiable."

Although I'll get a lot of grief from scientists for this one, all most everything is unfalsifiable. Things can't be proven false anymore than they can be prove true. Besides, if something were really true, it could never be proven false.

The emperical term should be "testable". Testable means that there are two or more possible measurable outcomes. It also must be tested comprehensively, or as comprehensively as possible. Mathematical science should be provable, mathematical logical demonstration detailed enough for others to follow.

Carnot is tested every time a new engine's efficiency is measured, not just its temperature.

Tom's quackery here has challenged nothing, and only demonstrated his own ridged denial of science, and embracement of quacks. Please be wary of quackery.

The first law of thermodynamics has been discovered from the laws of nature. No free energy yet found. No preputial motion contraptions of any kind. None yet have been found. Energy in, minus, energy out, equals, energy saved. Yes I'm still waiting.

The second law just points out that heat engine cycles, because of the first law, and other constraints, must be subjected to specific natural limits. You can't convert any heat to work unless some heat is rejected to a lower temperature. Yes again I'm still waiting, got to maintain an open scientific mind. Unlike Tom, whom throws it open to anything, including quackery, and closes it to valid science/mathematics.

Trusting the Carnot Theorem is valid science. Denying it is quackery. Why is it quackery, because I'm still waiting for a valid scientific challenge to it, or a contraption that does what scammers claim. And I'm tired of fraudulent claims.

Tom Booth
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Tom Booth »

Fool wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 4:40 am .
Tommy wrote:Read the report ass hole.

You will need to be more specific. What report? Someone lying about alleged teardowns by alleged experts? ...
Of course, it's a gigantic conspiracy that includes Stanford University. Or maybe the paper itself is fake. Like the hole in the cinder block wall. Maybe call Stanford and see if they will verify the report.

As I said, the third link in the video description:


If you don't know how to open a video description on YouTube and can't download a PDF from Google docs I uploaded the PDF to my server (not a "secure" https link).
If you prefer I could upload it someplace else.
Javier Lozano, Electrical Engineer from Stanford University, California,
has written this report
Maybe Stanford University doesn't really exist. Was there ever a Javier Lozano, electrical engineer at the mythical university? I guess somebody should check.

PS here is a "secure" link I just found now after searching the name: ... ersity.pdf
Tom Booth
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Tom Booth »

An additional download link on the site:
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Fool »


Is this the guy?

What I find funny in his 'report' is that he states the device won't work with know science. The he attributes it to 'magic' science that is unknown, because he failed to find any scam. To me that only means someone else might be able to identify the scam. ... hWAh9/view

P.S., To run two one hundred watt light bulbs for one hour on a lead acid battery it would only need to be 100 lbs. Lithiums have been out since the mid to late 90's. Probably 1/10 the size and weight. A lot easier to hide than Javier possibly knew at the time. Of course there is no date on the report, that is a no no in science.

Conclusion: I'm not impressed and still waiting.

Added the link. Corrected the battery weight. And added this line.
Last edited by Fool on Wed Nov 27, 2024 12:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Fool »


Many people could use a two hundred watt generator and probably afford to build one. So, where are they? I guess anyone building one has trouble with the magical process of creating "micro bubbles that reduce density".

Tom Booth
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Tom Booth »

I don't know.
What I find funny in his 'report' is that he states the device won't work with know science.
Well, that's pretty much a given.
The he attributes it to 'magic' science that is unknown, because he failed to find any scam. To me that only means someone else might be able to identify the scam.

P.S., To run two one hundred watt light bulbs for one hour on a lead acid battery it would only need to be 25 lbs. Lithiums have been out since the mid to late 90's. Probably 1/10 the size and weight. A lot easier to hide than Javier possibly knew at the time.
Well, personally, I'm on the fence with such things until I build my own, then I can be pretty sure I didn't hide a battery in the thing while I was sleepwalking.
Of course there is no date on the report, that is a no no in science.
Are you sure about that?

Conclusion: I'm not impressed and still waiting.
Well, I gleaned some new information from the report. Like the potential for additional thrust from the forced jets.

I think there is enough data to build a small desktop model, and also explain why previous small models failed. They did not build it to specifications.

However, I'm still very skeptical of the whole thing myself. However I still see no solid evidence of it being a "scam", quite the contrary, so I'm keeping an open mind and continuing my objective research into it.

Maybe I'm not 100% objective because if this thing works, it would be confirmation of some of my own observations, research and experiments.
Tom Booth
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Tom Booth »

Apparently the "report" originally appeared as a magazine article in dated September 9, 2016
Tom Booth
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Tom Booth »

All in all, I think these devices have a lot in common with Stirling engines, heat pumps, refrigeration systems etc.

The two versions, KPP and Flooid are not merely "buoyancy" engines using atmospheric air but air that has been modified due to moderate high compression, apparently what could be achieved by a common shop compressor, typically about 150 psi

That is quite capable of producing frosty air when released and expanded to 0°C or lower.

Such air, expanding in water could absorb ambient heat.

Commercial shop compressors are generally, at a minimum , air cooled by a fan, often built into the flywheel.

IMO, this is, or would be a key part of the system(s). Just bubbling atmospheric air without compression could not result in a positive net power output, IMO, which explains the failure of the various small models that use air PUMPS rather than actual compressors.

Unless the gas can be made COLD it could not be expanded to produce work from an ambient heat/power source.

I think a model using aluminium soda cans might benefit from the high heat conductivity of the aluminium giving better performance than plastic, so the ambient heat can pass from the liquid into the trapped air more rapidly.

The two systems are really operating on the same principle. The Flooid people seem to be more cognizant of the ambient heat element.

Using a thick syrup-like fluid provides direct liquid to air contact, eliminates a multitude of mechanical loses while the thick "Flooid" essentially acts as the flotation canisters pushed upward as in the KPP system but without the need for physical canisters.

The KPP system seems more advanced, as far as having reached marketability but the Flooid system IMO looks like it has great potential.

I think I will add making a small model to my project list. Maybe even move it up in priority.

Both systems are apparently proven or have been demonstrated up to and beyond "proof of concept", but have tremendous obstacles to overcome in terms of acceptance as a legitimate or actually viable energy source.

There are innumerable "fools" doing everything in their power to discredit these companies as "scams" and debunk the technology.

I'm, as yet, not totally convinced one way or the other, but I am persuaded so far that the criticisms are baseless, coming from demented ignoramuses like our "fool" here and the feasibility of the technology does have a theoretical basis.
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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Fool »


Demented ignoramus fool. CoOoOoOoL Eeee ooooh. That Tom can't hold a candle to. Not that I'm even trying.

The more you put forth, the more it sounds like an intentional scam. These guys are trying to be sneaky. Look out

Viscosity is the biggest problem for an efficient turbine. Thick flooid just sounds wrong. Sorry.

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Re: Air Lift Turbine Generator

Post by Fool »


How much 'rocket power would they develop with a couple psi? Would thick flooid ruin that too? Why doesn't it have any de Laval Nozzle? It seems as if it has a restriction enough to let water build up ejection speed, air will be slow to get in. They talk about a "super efficient air compressor" but it looks like it's just off the shelf.
Tommy wrote:They did not build it to specifications.

Typical blind follower scammer's comment. Can you supply the specs? A link to sufficiently detailed specs. I have not seen any descriptions of how to generate the magic 'micro bubbles'. I'd be interested in the small portable 200W model.
Tommy wrote:Maybe I'm not 100% objective because if this thing works, it would be confirmation of some of my own observations, research and experiments.

You are definitely biased on this.

Good luck building one and getting it running. I'd love to be proven wrong on this, as I could use one or several here on the farm. Please succeed.

I'm still waiting.

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