Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Discussion on Stirling or "hot air" engines (all types)
Tom Booth
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Tom Booth »

If someone like Jack, who apparently is genuinely interested, wanted information, I might bend over backwards to provide whatever he wanted.


You, however, are nothing but a heckler and a troll who's only interest is in discrediting an experiment and the experimenter.

Not so easy to do when the experiment is video recorded.
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Fool »

Not discrediting the video. Describing how to use classical thermodynamics, mathematics, physics, and science correctly.

Besides, it is your request to join the discussion that motivates me. You just have made a lot of common errors similar to all beginners. Your denial of this is your nemesis, not I.
Tom Booth
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Tom Booth »

Fool wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:38 am Not discrediting the video. Describing how to use classical thermodynamics, mathematics, physics, and science correctly.

Besides, it is your request to join the discussion that motivates me. You just have made a lot of common errors similar to all beginners. Your denial of this is your nemesis, not I.
My only repeated request of you is to please go the hell away and leave me the hell alone.
Tom Booth
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Tom Booth »

Fool wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:38 am ...., it is your request to join the discussion that motivates me. ...
I have yet to see anything from you that is worthwhile or genuinely constructive or even worth the time it takes to read. I have no use for you other than to point out what clueless idiots and generally vile human beings, if you even are human, the advocates of the so-called "Carnot limit" are.

In actuality you posts remind me of the nonsense generated by chat bots, so it remains to be seen if you are actually human. I have my doubts.
Tom Booth
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Tom Booth »

Fool wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:38 am Not discrediting the video. Describing how to use classical thermodynamics, mathematics, physics, and science correctly.

You and your science forum cohorts idea of "correct" science is to swallow whatever illogical nonsense is fed to you by your know-nothing, unimaginative, lacking in any curiosity instructor, and if you have any problems with that, be "cooperative", stop your needless experimenting and swallow harder.

Dutifully memorize piles of nonsensical bull shit and stop asking "hard questions".

Memorize memorize memorize until you are completely incapable of logical thinking, have lost all your reasoning ability and common sense and are no longer capable of objective observation.

In the end you will be a "good student" and ready for a career as a thermodynamicist, and can then proceed to inflict the same brain damage on yet another generation of students.
Tom Booth
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Tom Booth »

Tom Booth wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:57 am
Fool wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:48 am
Tom Booth wrote:... You have only measured temperatures. You have not measured Qh, Qc, nor Work Output. ...
How do you propose measuring "heat" other than through temperature readings?
Tom Booth wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 12:55 pm
Fool wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 12:12 am ...
There are no real ways to measure heat directly,

Glad you finally admit it, moron.
nor temperature directly.
Of course there is, nitwit.

Thermometers, infrared cameras, thermocouples, to name a few.
Maybe it's not exactly fair to say you're a liar.

It my be that just after decades of thermo-brainwashing and self-indoctrination you're suffering from a kind of mental hysteria on the whole subject of heat/"caloric"/temperature/thermo....

The crux of the problem is a historical shift in the scientific communities understanding about the nature of heat, what is actually being measured by temperature and how a transfer of heat as a substance a "flow" of material from here to there is different from heat as an impact or collision where there is only a transfer of ENERGY.

Thermodynamics became an orphan science. Really now, just a branch of Newtons laws of motion.

Not everyone came through the transition, making the intellectual and psychological leap necessary but fell into an abyss of irrationality where heat transfered only as energy is somehow miraculously transformed and grows into a full content measured by temperature.

Specifically, heat (energy) added to increase the relative temperature of a working fluid transforms into the total temperature of the working fluid in an absolute temperature scale

The irrationality of such an impossible transformation is hidden in antiquated, obsolete mathematical formula based upon heat as a transfer or "flow" of a fluid substance applied to the modern understanding of the reality of heat as only ENERGY transfered through an impact or collision.

A relative increase in energy is mistakenly equated with the full absolute measure.

Thermodynamics has become a CULT complete with hero worship and belief in "miracles" that defy rational analysis.
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Fool »

Your anger towards classical science and mathematics is only surpassed by your self defeating massive cognitive dissonance.

For a person that's never been in class at a quality university, nor questioned the instructor, nor gone to their office and questioned them, nor visited and listened, you sure seem knowledgeable about them, not. Next time you get the bend to bash formal science and education, come back when you've actually had some worthy experience and knowledge to share. Your description is completely fallacious.

And please, quit monopolizing and destroying this website with the Tom Booth ranting blog process. You've been destroying it for years and have driven off many experts with your distain and fallacy. The least you could do is let us have our say without the name calling and bashing you inappropriately often do.

This isn't even your thread. Are you not getting enough action in the nichrome thread? I'm sorry.

Tom Booth
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Tom Booth »

Fool wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:56 am Your anger towards classical science and mathematics is only surpassed by your self defeating massive cognitive dissonance.

For a person that's never been in class at a quality university, nor questioned the instructor, nor gone to their office and questioned them, nor visited and listened, you sure seem knowledgeable about them, not. Next time you get the bend to bash formal science and education, come back when you've actually had some worthy experience and knowledge to share. Your description is completely fallacious.

And please, quit monopolizing and destroying this website with the Tom Booth ranting blog process. You've been destroying it for years and have driven off many experts with your distain and fallacy. The least you could do is let us have our say without the name calling and bashing you inappropriately often do.

This isn't even your thread. Are you not getting enough action in the nichrome thread? I'm sorry.

This thread begins:

Quote: "Tom recently posted a link to another forum where he continues his endless rant against Carnot ..."

As long as people keep posting trash about me, starting threads to criticize my experiments etc. I certainly am going to defend myself, so shove it up your ass.

As far as criticizing science. I don't criticize science, I criticize "pseudoscience" and the cultic "Carnot limit" and it's fanatical evangelizers, such as yourself, are exactly that. Fanatics.

You use relative temperature to measure heat input into an engine, add maybe 10 joules to bring up the temperature of the working fluid.

But once the energy has been transfered you switch over to absolute temperature and say, to use those 10 joules with 100% efficiency you have to bring the temperature of the working fluid down to absolute zero.

That is just irrational nonsense and anyone who can't see that is delusional.

You and your "Carnot Limit" Ilk have completely lost touch with reality.

As goofy quoted previously:
Allow me to quote Nikola Tesla :

“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. ”

So true.

The "Carnot Limit" caloric/water wheel mathematics is not just obsolete, based on obsolete theory, it is a grotesque, twisted abomination that needs to be completely eradicated.

It has no place in modern science other than perhaps as a historical curiosity to be laughed at. How foolish to have ever believed such obvious nonsense
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Fool »

You have exactly zero data conclusive enough to challenge it.

Useful work output.
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Fool »

Tom Booth wrote:In actuality you posts remind me of the nonsense generated by chat bots, so it remains to be seen if you are actually human. I have my doubts.

I'm a chat bot robot! Coooooool!
Tom Booth
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Tom Booth »

Fool wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:16 pm You have exactly zero data conclusive enough to challenge it.

Useful work output.
Whether I have "data" or not is irrelevant.

The Carnot limit is self incrementing as a consequence of its own ridiculousness.

Right, if 100 Joules of heat at 3000°F (1922°K) go into the engine, in order to utilize those 100 joules we need to reduce the temperature of the working fluid to ABSOLUTE zero.

Because we added enough heat/energy to raise the temperature a few degrees, maybe to 3100°F or something, we now have to "blow solid chunks of gas" at a temperature 3000° lower. How does that make sense?

Wildly insane ridiculous nonsense on its face.

You really don't need my experiments to see how idiotic and rediculous the Carnot limit is. It's quite obviously utter foolishness.

My experiments just go some distance towards revealing experimentally, just how foolish, but really, it's just quite obvious.

Insane, impossible nonsense through and through.
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Fool »

Tom Booth wrote:Right, if 100 Joules of heat at 3000°F (1922°K) go into the engine, in order to utilize those 100 joules we need to reduce the temperature of the working fluid to ABSOLUTE zero.

You and others keep saying that incorrect representation of the Carnot Theorem.

The theorem works the following way. An engine running between 100 K and Zero K has a maximum of 100% efficiency, Qc=0. An engine running between 400 K and 300 K, will get a maximum efficiency of 25%, Qc=75%.

An engine starting at 300, having 100 J added and running between 400 K and Zero K, will output Work equivalent to 400 Joules. It will only provide 400 J if also running in a vacuum.

If it has to return to 300 K, it will cost 300 J and also become no more than 25% efficient. Because it is now running between 300 K and 400 K. It is a way of calculating the efficiency from known points, rather than unknown points, Qc+Work back in=75%.

The Carnot Theorem cannot be dismissed by bad mathematics and misrepresentation of the theorem. Sorry. You logic is flawed.
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Fool »

Operating at 300 K to 400 K, lowers the engine efficiency from 100% to 25%, but it raises the COP from 100% to 400%. The two are complements.
Tom Booth
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Tom Booth »

All total BS "fool".

Where is your experimental proof for any of your crapola?
An engine running between 100 K and Zero K has a maximum of 100% efficiency, Qc=0

So you apparently believe. And how do you propose proving such a thing experimentally?

Of course, you cannot. That is impossible.

So your Carnot limit theory is "unfalsifiable".

Impossible to subject to testing, experimentally, so must be accepted on "faith".

That is the Hallmark of what you accuse me of "pseudoscience".

Obviously all of my experiments are subject to experiment.

The claims you constantly make so glibly regarding the "Carnot limit" are not and so do not even rise to the level of a "Science" by any modern scientific standards.

The only explanation for the perpetuation of this obvious garbage is that it is being shored up by the corrupted, oil company dominated educational and political system.
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Re: Peter Lindemann video on Tesla cold hole

Post by Fool »

Tom Booth wrote:As goofy quoted previously:
Allow me to quote Nikola Tesla :

“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. ”
Tom Booth wrote:Whether I have "data" or not is irrelevant.

The Carnot limit is self incrementing as a consequence of its own ridiculousness.

Tom Booth wrote:Where is your experimental proof for any of your crapola?
You certainly have a flair for contradiction. You are using theory incorrectly. I was merely correcting your mathematics.

If you use mathematics correctly, it won't stray from reality. Tesla and you, are experimentalists. If you need "experimental proof" (An oxymoron, mathematical proof yes, experimental data yes, is not proof.), you'll need to design your own experiments to convince yourself that the theory is sound.

Tesla, friends with Einstein, was complaining about Relativity, which, at the time, had no experimental data backing it. Now it appears Tesla was wrong about Relativity too, along with his erroneous second law denial. Tesla was not educated in theoretical mathematics. We don't expect him to excell in theory.

It is not sufficient to discard theory because you don't understand it or use it wrong. It is required that you use theory correctly and do understand it, before discarding it.

The following quote says it all: "Theory is never wrong, if it's wrong, you are just using the wrong theory." I'd like to add, or you are using it wrong.
Tom Booth wrote:The only explanation for the perpetuation of this obvious garbage is that it is being shored up by the corrupted, oil company dominated educational and political system.
As far as I know, the oil companies and politicians had no influence on what I've learned, by education and research. There were no big oil companies during the time Carnot, Kelvin and others were formulating the second law.

What you are attempting to do is suppress good theorizing by good scientists out of your own wishful thinking and paranoia. I despise big oil too, and they do suppress things. The Carnot limit isn't one of those. I'm not paranoid of big oil or USA politics.

I might be paranoid of ignorance. The Internet has opened up a gigantic power of communication for very ignorant people. It becomes obvious from contradiction, fear monitoring, offers to good to be true, erroneous science use, and science denial, not to mention out and out lying.

If you don't believe that, study up on the cognitive dissonance inherent in the Flat Earth believers. If you are a Flat Earth believer, I wish you well in your pursuits and far away from me.

When you start using profanity and name calling in your discourse with others, you have defeated any chance you may have had for understanding. Your point becomes moot. Your personal experience becomes useless. People will be entertained by your floundering, and wish you well and far away. You may have a valid point but people won't care anymore.

I wrote this because I still care. Please don't make me regret it.
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