A good example of what a modern version of the engine I described in the first post of this thread might look like is the Sunflower solar engine designed by Bill Gross for Energy Innovations, a subsidiary of Idealabs (founded by Bill Gross).
It is also a large high temperature difference gamma with (as far as I can tell from the illustrations of the video) plain surface heat exchangers. It appears to be roughly similar in size to the 1904 engine.
Here is a link to the video where the creator describes this engine
as a warning if anyone is short on time: fast forward, the engine is not shown until around 12:30 minutes.
In case anyone wants one as seen in the video: too bad, there not for sale and probably never will be. Energy Innovations gave up on stirling engines several years ago and now is exclusively using concentrated photovoltaic for the sunflower product range.
The idealabs engine was slated to power a generator of 250 watts or 275 watts continuous output. this would imply a 350 to 450 watt or so mechanical output, assuming a 60% to 70% efficient generator proper and assuming the engine is operating at less than 100% load. The rotating speed in rpm is unknown but is probably moderate. My guess would be between 500 and 1000 rpm (if anyone is aware of the true value please post). The displacement is not given but I would guess the power piston swept volume to be between 250 and 500 cubic centimeters. This indicates a specific power of between seven tenths (.7)of one watt and one point eight (1.8) watts per cubic centimeter per atmosphere (W/cc/atm.) this puts it between the upper normal range and the unusual but achievable (with difficulty) output ranges for an unpressurized air engine, implying that it is unpressurized or perhaps lightly pressurized.
perhaps a useful, cheap engine could be made by further simplifying the sunflower engine. A conventional crank or scotch yoke would replace the existing linkage. This would allow for a smaller, therefore lighter crankcase, and reduce the number of bearings (read: precision mating surfaces, in turn read: more machine time, I.E. more cost) A rotating pto shaft, identical to that on a small IC engine, would allow for multipurpose use. My opinion on the pto vs sealed generator debate is below.
regarding the placement of the connecting pipe on the middle of the displacer cylinder: The placement of the pipe originally decided on enabled the head of the power cylinder to be forward of the base of the displacer cylinder, thus enabling a shorter overall length to the engine. where the pipe connects with the displacer cylinder does not matter with cylinder walls that thick; the cylinder wall can be threaded to accept the pipe. The reason this is no longer done is probably simply because it is very difficult to attach a tube to a cylinder whose walls can be as little as only a hundredth of an inch thick, as is the case with spun or deep drawn stainless hot caps.
The idea to hermetically seal the crankcase and keep an electric generator and all moving shafts within same crankcase is a good idea for some situations. The situations in question are when a highly pressurized engine is running a dedicated generator. The most obvious drawback is that the machine can be used for no purpose other than the generation of electricity, when there are so many other uses for the now absent rotating shaft. Also, the problem solved by sealing the crankcase is far more benign with air at a few tens of psi than the herculean task of confining hydrogen or helium at over one thousand psi. For a lightly pressurized air filled engine the shaft seals used on an IC engine are adequate and available. Some leakage will be present but there is air everywhere, and only a tiny compressor is needed to maintain the desired pressure.