you didn't say, but from your dimensions and descriptions, can I assume that this a LTD engine, perhaps running off a cup of water ?
Sounds fine to me.--so first question is: is it better to have center of pressure vessel of some heat insulating material or all vesel of one material (steel).
My pressure vessel is of 3 parts top and botom is top and bottom of steel paint can (height of each part is 20mm) and center is sewage pipe (height 40mm) I think that material of pipe is PE plastic, ID of all parts is 110mm.
I'm not sure about these ratios, sorry.--second question is: is it ok rate of pressure vessel diametre vs height D=11/H=8, and what is recomended height and diameter of displacer.
Displacer is D=95mm ; H=40mm I cant get better fit with steel wool
Styrofoam should work best in my opinion. I use polystyrene in my LTD Stirling engine without problems.--third.. I have three displacers two was in operation one not yet. first cardboard with loot of wood glue (seems like perfect airtight), second styrofoam , and third steel wool
so I have problems with steel wool, my steel wool is very fluffy and it scratch on pressure chamber becouse of that i have big gap betwen vessel and displacer, how you solve that problem?
Displacer is relatively low for its diameter D/H=10/4 anybody make that type of displacer of steel wool?
I think you'll have trouble making a displacer for an LTD using wire wool. It works great in my coke can Stirling engines but the diameter is very small. I think wire
wool will be too weak for this kind of engine.
I just use one hole for the displacer bushing and one for the diaphragm. Keeping friction to a minimum is critical to get these engines working.--forth.. what is better type of sealing element for displacer rod, pipe or one middle chamber with two holes (upper hole atmosphere lower hole pressure vessel).
I get better fit with holes for middle chamber.
No problem :)--Admit that I am boring :D I thinking about idea to extend PE pipe and turn upside down upper part of paint can, than i get pool for water on top but then I loosing side cooling area. OK or NOT?
There must be a leak if there's no force on the diaphragm. What heat source are you using ? In my LTD the diaphragm will move about 10mm if you move the displacer rod up and down.perhaps is good to mention that I am mechanical engineer and I understand very good theory but I do not have experience.
this prototype have no power (when I moving up and down styrofoam displacer, rubber membrane have no force) I dot know where is problem.
I would like to get low and wide engine.