About 3:00 into this video.
When something rises to the level of providing an advantage, militarily, It certainly is not because the technology does not work, is inefficient, blah blah blah.
Battelle from the above video is also mentioned at the end of this video:
Stirling engines, a matter of national security?
Re: Stirling engines, a matter of national security?
The first video above was from the link provided in this article:
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techno ... iesel/amp/
I'm beginning to get the idea that when my military contractor friend, years ago, asked me to help design a "smaller" Stirling solar dish generator, it was not REALLY intended for residential use. Probably he was putting in a bid for what is mentioned here:
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techno ... iesel/amp/
I'm beginning to get the idea that when my military contractor friend, years ago, asked me to help design a "smaller" Stirling solar dish generator, it was not REALLY intended for residential use. Probably he was putting in a bid for what is mentioned here: