Hey i have built an alpha type stirling engine using two honda 70cc cylinders and their pistons. Using the same crankshaft (modified it to have two connecting rods). The problem is that it does not run not matter how much heat i provide it does not spin more than 2-3 rpm by rotating the flywheel by hand while heating and friction b/w pistons is not that much, less than the normal engine because i have done some finishing and leakage is the same as in any motorcycle engine cylinder due to same rings and arrangement. I got the design from a video on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_b8tB54Zj8) and tried to build it according to the design and availability of resources. I am using iron chips from lathe machine in regenerator. Here are some of its pictures http://imgur.com/3JFnaps http://imgur.com/KKNW9IW
Please suggest some improvements and what could go wrong with the engine.
Please provide data for the following questions to start.
What is the total volume (including dead volume) of the engine?
What is the hot/cold gas temperature? I am not talking about heater and water temperature. I am talking about the temperature of the gas in hot and cold cylinder respectively.
I think he's looking for a ballpark advice.
I don't know much about alphas, with head off, your engine must spin very freely.
On one of my models was running poorly, so I lubrication with graphite and now it runs really good. I suspect those motorcycle Rings might be a problem.
Close fitting cast iron pistons without rings might be more durable in a power producing motor. Ordinary piston rings have no place in a Stirling Engine. I put an answer to some of your questions in another site, covering the regenerator.
Ian S C
Don't know about Teflon or graphite, but I do know that cast iron in a steel bore(a bit of bored out galvanised water pipe has done over 2000 hrs with no measurable wear, that was my second motor built in 1994. It has just lately developed a leak in the hot cap that will need some major repair. Ian S C
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