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Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:39 am
Forum: Stirling and "Hot Air" Engine Forum
Topic: simple model engine info required
Replies: 1
Views: 2824

simple model engine info required

Hi, Being new to this stirling engine, is there some good info on how to build one working model? Not required to do any work, just to see it turning by the heat source. Don't want to buy one already done (even a kit) from ebay, as I want to build it myself, to understand better how it works. Googli...
Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:28 am
Forum: Stirling and "Hot Air" Engine Forum
Topic: New Members PLEASE read! - OR, having problems registering, being deactivated
Replies: 519
Views: 857464

Re: "Hi" We are new here!

Well I've heard of these stirling engines for a couple of years, but very busy life don't allow me much free time to start playing with them.
I hope in the next 5 years to succeed in building one out of a soda can.....
